Ending 15 years of Johnson's agony

I was a father to the needy and I searched out the cause of him whom I did not know. Job 29:16

shared by Seggy Hannington

Johnson Turyamushanga, 53, is a father of eight and resides in Kabale District, Uganda. For the last 15 years he has had a painful growth on his neck, and he never had money to go see doctors for proper treatment.  Johnson is a retired teacher who currently has no job due to his condition since no one would want to hire him, thus making him struggle a lot to support his family.

The good news is that you and I have the money to end Johnson’s agony.  We have been able to take him for a medical check up in Kampala, and the doctor said the growth is benign and can be removed.  Johnson also had an accident and he lost one eye.  His other eye was affected and it doesn’t see properly. He has never seen an eye doctor because he had no money.

Johnson’s surgery, eye treatment and travel expenses total $500.  $500 will give him a new meaning of life.  Matthew 7:12 is clear on how we are to respond.  He’s been booked for surgery on Feb 25.  Join the cause to end Johnson’s 15 years of pain and agony. Johnson stated that “I lost my peace because of its (the growth’s) weight. I pray that someday, God provides medicine to end my suffering. I feel uncomfortable socializing and attending public functions because I feel that people will be pointing fingers at me because my growth scares anybody who sees it.” Please keep praying for him. We shall keep you updated on his surgery.

I have been moved by watching Seggy’s active compassion.  He does not know Johnson, but read about him in a Ugandan newspaper.  Kabale is about 7 hours southwest of Nkumba.  Johnson had no phone, no contact information.  It took Seggy and Julius a couple of weeks to locate him so that they could bring him up to Kampala to have him evaluated.  When Seggy told me that Johnson didn’t have $15 for the bus ticket to Kampala, something inside me just sank. I realized that for 15 years, neither Johnson nor any one of his friends or family members had had an extra $15.    I was a father to the needy and I searched out the cause of him whom I did not know. Job 29:16  I watched Seggy live out this verse.  ~Cindy May

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