It's Rice & Beans week!

The Spirit of God amazes me.  As I was praying about what He wanted me to post, He provided something soooo good, I couldn’t wait to share it!

christmas in Gulu

Christmas with the orphans in Gulu--an annual soda is a special treat.

Katie Davis returned to Uganda last week, and she just updated her blog.  We’ve shared a few of her posts with you previously.  Interestingly, in this post, she talks about eating rice & beans.  Hmmm….coincidence?

I know we’re all busy, but I hope that you can take the 5 minutes it will take to read this post…maybe at dinner-time with your family.  I don’t think you’ll regret having done so!

Read Katie’s January 24th post here. By the way, the “May” family mentioned in her post is not us!

Back to Rice & Beans & Water week.  We cooked up a pot of beans and a pot of rice over the weekend.  That’s what’s in our frig! 🙂 With just two of us, we should be able to eat on $8 for the week (incredible, huh?!), giving the balance of our normal food budget to those in need.

There are 10 families so far who are participating.  It’s not too late to join us.  If you do, will you let us know?

If you didn’t have a chance to read about rice & beans week, check out the post, Identification, please.

Matthew 16:24-25 Then Jesus said to his disciples, “If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will find it.”

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